No, I Won't Marry You
continuing the discussion entitled no, i won't marry you
no, i don't want you to move to boston
no, we can't be friends
no, we're never going to see each other again
back to kabul by nightfall
Health and Ethnic Conflict.
My first visit to the Heart of Asia -- Reflections and Photos.
Internist and Pediatrician with a passion for international health.
up next morning, still arguing with heidar -- no, i don't want to eat breakfast
i'd like bananas or rice and tea
heidar finds bananas -- extremely rare, imported from pakistan
we argue because he peels them for me, i can peel my own bananas, no i don't want anymore, you peel it you eat it yourself
the old woman and her sheep. she is spinning yarn. i ask to take a photo, she declines. just of your hands? no.
wandering around among the ruins
the armed men asking for money, heidar argues, the men surround us and follow us, we try to get in the car and they follow us to the doors and windows
heidar gets out and goes with them -- the police intervene, heidar wins
stop at the ancient city shari gulghula (city of screams), sacked by genghis khan and used as a base for the soviets -- lots of unexploded ordinance; up up up to the top
then back toward kabul, stopping only for a picnic of mulberries
up the next morning. first go to the un to check email. then head out. bamiyan is beautiful. the entire village is set at the foot of the rock face that once housed hundreds of buddhas.
the drive out to bandyamir, getting sick
the mine fields and arguing with heidar.
the bluest and clearest water i've ever seen. i can't believe it's real. heidar disrobes and jumps in. tries to convince me to go too. only a few people in the water, all men. all the women nearby are fully covered. obviously, i'm not going to swim. besides, i am not feeling well.
invitation to stay with the widower and take care of his family.
sicker by the time we're back; sleep the afternoon, argue with heidar over what to do; afghan remedies; fever. lots of vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea -- certain its food poisoning; reheated rice from last night -- bacillus cereus? heidar watches over me all night.